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Bhagya Rasdar
- 30 Ml Per 15ltr Water
- Seeds Treatment : 5.00 To 10.00 Ml/kg Seed In Sufficient Quantity Of Water 1 Ltr Per Acre In Sufficient Quantity Of Water
- Accelerating Germination
- Enhancing Seeding
- Vigour And Root Growth. Improving Uptake And Translocation Of Micro And Macro Nutrientsinducing Early Maturity, Helping Plants To Resist Draught, Resulting In Higher Yield And Better Quality Of Produce Plant Growth Promoter Its Increase Plant Growth 20 To 30 % Yield
Suggested Crops
- Cumin, Potato, Castor, Cotton, Paddy, Wheat, Musterd, Soyabin Vegetables : Bhindi, Tomato, Chilli, Brinjal, Watermelon, Muskmelon And All Crop