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Bhagya Hum Black
- Ama humic 12%, amino 5% fulvic 5%, seaweed 3%
- Accelerating Germination
- Enhanceing seedlign
- Vigour and root growth. improving uptakes and translocation of micro and mecro nutrients
- Inducing early maturity, Helping plants to resist drought, resulting in higher yield and better quality of crop produces.
- Hum black is recommended to be used as follows.
Seed Treatment
- 5.00 to 10.0 ml/kg seed in sufficient quantity of water
- 30 ml per 15 ltr of water
Foliar Spray
- 2 to 3 ml per ltr of water at actively growing and reproductive stage.
Drip And Sprinker Irrigation
- 1 Ltr per acre in sufficient quantity of water